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Showing posts from February, 2019

First Aid & Home Remedies | Sprains

Hi! It's Lily! I'll be talking to you about sprains. Have you ever gotten a sprain before? They're NOT fun. I've gotten multiple sprains, some worse than others. When I was 8 years old I sprained my mid-foot pretty bad. I couldn't walk on it, and I was scared to death to visit the doctor. The doctor said that some sprains can be worse than breaks because if they're bad enough, they take longer to heal and they even hurt more. After a few weeks, it was healed and I could walk again! Do you think you might have a sprain? Read the symptoms and see if you can figure it out. Symptoms (thanks Google): Sprained ankle A sprained ankle causes swelling, pain, and limited range of motion. Sprained thumb Thumb weakness, swelling, bruising, and pain are symptoms. Sprained wrist Wrist swelling, pain, bruising, and tenderness are symptoms. Sprained knee Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and limited knee mobility. Treatment: ...

First Aid & Home Remedies | Popcorn Shells Stuck in Throat

Hi! It's Lily! I wasn't planning on making a post about this until I got a popcorn shell stuck in my throat. It is a random topic, but since I know how annoying stuck popcorn can be, I'm going to just go ahead with this post anyways. I don't think I need to add the symptoms list since it's easy to identify whether or not you've swallowed popcorn and the shell has stuck. But if you're still not positive whether or not you have one stuck in there, you'll probably have a scratchy throat. Ways to Un-stick Popcorn Shells: Drink water (or soda) Eat bread Cough and cough and cough And when none of that works, try gargling water. That's how I got mine out. I gargled water (not gently, but really  hard) and it came out! Whatever you do, don't leave it in there or else there's a chance of infection. Instead, go to the doctor and the doctor can take it out for you.